Catastrophic Cooling in Superwinds. II. Exploring the Parameter Space

Supplementary Material

Table 3. Integrated luminosities (unit in erg/s) from the different ionization models (see Appendix B for machine-readable tables).

The compressed (tar.gz) file containing the machine-readable table files for the emission-line data (a portion shown for guidance regarding its form and content in Table 3) is available in the electronic edition of this article. The following machine-readable files for the emission-line data are available: Each file is named as table_case_bound.dat such as table_CPI_radi.dat, where case is for the ionization case (PI: purely photoionization and CPI: photoionization and hydrodynamic collisional ionization), and bound for the optical depth model (radi: fully radiation-bounded, pden: partially density-bounded, and dens: fully density-bounded).

Each file contains the following information: